Every idea, religious or not, tends to create comment and other ideas.
Some people follow, while others move on.
Think of great scientists who led with ideas of their time, like Darwin, Newton etc.
People followed their ideas, but others came along and adapted their ideas and evidence. Newton for example, his ideas were adapted to suit the evidence. Einstein came along.
People do that with religion too.
They start with an existing idea, and change it slightly, to become something else.
Science tends to use the physical universe, religion draws on books and personal experience.
It's what humans do, take an idea, and make it their own in some way.
You can get scientists who find it hard to accept new evidence too 🌹 And sometimes the names of famous scientists like Einstein can end up as a weird personality cult among his followers.
It would take a brave Scientist to challenge the ideas of Einstein, that's because he is considered a genius,
In a way science can have its own weird personality cults