I am currently three quarters of the way through an extremely interesting book, I found out about it when someone here recommended it, I can’t remember who but thanks very much.
The book is SAPIENS A brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari. Google it!
The title tells you what it is about, sounds like dusty hard work eh! Wrong it is very easy to read, entertaining, amusing and educational. I heartily recommend it. Every page contains some new way of looking at things to open your mind. I keep interrupting the wife to quote from it, “hey did you know.....”
Let me quote you one paragraph, which is appropriate to this forum. It comes from the chapter The Discovery of Ignorance at the foot of page 288 if you have the book.
“In 1620 Francis Bacon published a scientific manifesto titled, The New Instrument. In it he argued that “knowledge is power”. The real test of knowledge is not whether it is true but whether it empowers us. Scientists usually assume that no theory is 100% correct. Consequently truth is a poor test for knowledge. The real test is utility. A theory that enables us to do new things constitutes knowledge.”
I found this very interesting and wonder how this idea goes down with theists, who (of course) have absolute and inherent knowledge?