The term "antitheism" is used here fairly often, albeit mistakenly. Antitheism is the opposition to gods, generally on the basis that they (or belief in them) is thought to be positively harmful. In principle therefore it's possible to be both a theist and an antitheist - ie, you think there to be a god (or gods) but would really prefer it/them not be real, or for people who do think them to be real not to practice their religions.
So far as I recall though there rarely if ever has been a thread promoting antitheism on this mb, and while some atheists here may also happen to be antitheists (I am for example) our antitheism is no more relevant to arguments of fact than, say, our stamp collecting habits.
In other words we have basic category error here. Theism/atheism concerns whether the claimed facts about gods are true or not; antitheism on the other hand concerns whether some want those claimed facts to be true or not.
Just thought I'd clear that up.