Suffering is seen in the context of divine restoration of the human and the granting of eternal existence where death and suffering are not the end. Where suffering is in fact a human affair.
Given that death and suffering are not the end we will have passed them in due course although we will always be free to harbour a rage on them.
You appear to be saying god creating evil and suffering is all good really because it doesn't last? Why does god create it at all, for fun?
If you have an alternative take on suffering which doesn't involve blaming God and doesn't deny it's existence present it.
Is this a serious question? Suffering is what happens when things go badly for an individual (either at the hands of others or for other reasons). In a universe without a plan, purpose, or (allegedly good and loving) designer, why would it need any more of an explanation?
I thought i'd answered that. God is goodness, that's why we have a confusing variety of responses against him.
As, I said before, that's a meaningless slogan. What does it mean to say god
is goodness? Taken literally, as an equality, that would mean goodness is god. Hence, god would not be a being or creator of the universe but some (according to all the evidence) subjective notion of a class of behaviours.
Moral good is an abstraction, not a thing or a being.