Dear Berational,
What spin!! First you accuse me of cherry picking and now, acting like a politician, nice.
I don't put any spin on slavery in the Bible, slavery was going on long before the Bible was even written, what the Bible did say regarding keeping slaves for the people of that time at that moment ( who, why, where, what, when, how ) there was rules, if you kept slaves you had to abide by the rules, slavery is man made, not God made.
I think you believe God can be found in the bible but you DO cherry pick as you select only the good bits that chime with YOUR interpretation of God.
I do think God can be found in the Bible, as in any great work of art, God is the best in us trying to speak out, you will find God in any great piece of literature, if those words make you stop and think, if they take you out of yourself, if they touch you at a level that makes you think about your own humanity, that's God talking, the writer has been touched by the divine and you in turn when you read it are also touched by that same divinity, all the great writers of history, Shakespeare ( although I don't get the guy ) Wordsworth, Milton, Blake and for me personally, Pratchett and Kipling.
You can call it cherry picking but for me the parts of the Bible which talk about God massacring thousands or sending plaque's, I have to stop and think why ( who, what, when, why, where, how ) and it usually takes me back to the writer or I search for a deeper meaning, that is the purpose of the Bible, to make you think, to use your God given intelligence.
I am happy to take the whole bible warts and all and see quite clearly it was written by people of the time. This is why slavery and mass killing is in because it would seem fine to them.
Once again we agree but the Bible has a message for all humanity, you just have to search.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
Ooops, and as I write this our Sass says good morning, morning Sass I hope you have a lovely day.