You're remarkably fond of accusing others of ignorance
That I am correct in, hence the fact we have to keep reminding you that you are wrong and lack knowledge.
yet seem unable to grasp that for the most part those people are capable of asking questions that you lack the intelligence or will to answer.
Neither, we as Christians, are fed up of people making uninformed suggestions or even allegations because you lack the basic information you don't need to be a Christian to know.
Look, I'll show you (again): How do you Sassy propose to break out of your circular reasoning of, "the Bible is true because God made it so/God is real because the Bible says so"?
Have never said that... never suggested that, never tried to prove that.
You see your ignorance is sublime when it comes to even the factual evidence of posts because YOU NEVER LEARN, and have no knowledge of the basic bible truths and Christianity.
Also as an atheist you have never learned anything for yourself, but adopted and displayed the things you have read written by others. 'Circular reason' cannot and does not apply to God. Hence the ignorance clearly displayed in that God gives everyone including you a way to know him. If you choose not to obey and follow that way to find out. Then the onus for failure is clearly on your part, and your part alone.
You can continue to avoid it if you want to, but you're entirely unhorsed when instead of answering you just chuck around misplaced accusations of ignorance.
As you can see, NOT AVOIDED ANYTHING FACED AND HIT IT STRAIGHT ON. You ignorance and lack of knowledge is an actual fact because you have never read what God wrote or even tried the ways he has taught. That clearly leaves me the person being slandered by an uneducated little boy who is a teenager and really riled now. Because you are not a truth seeker and you haven't the ability it appears to know what the truth is. Failings because you believe being ignorant is okay when it comes to God and the bible.
In truth your posts make what you spout as being ridiculous.