Anybody reading what I said would accept that multiverse is in fact romantic mathematics since a lot of what is proposed is untestable. There is of course nothing wrong with what he has done......guessing that what he has the maths for exists physically.
That's a basic category error. A multiverse is a
hypothesis - something that might or might not be, pending further evidence. You on the other hand assert "God" as a
fact, albeit with no coherent reasoning to support you. Hypotheses and facts are not the same thing.
Anybody reading what I have said would have noticed that what gets near to criticism on my part is what any atheist could and indeed has taken issue with him.
Namely that fine tuning observed in physics constitutes some kind of problem........
and that we should get rid of falsification in science......an act that presumably bring untestable multiverse theories firmly into science rather than guessing.
Nope. He's said that "fine tuning"
appears to some to be a problem until you understand that thee is no fine tuning, and he's merely discussed the problems falsification can bring but not said we should" get rid of it.
If you want to critique someone by all means do, but not just by lying about what he says.
As I have said the only unforgivable here is the bending of the conventions of science to accommodate what he does.
It probably would be, but no-one has.
I have no beef with his science or his maths as I understand it and leave both to be judged by his peers as is proper.
Fine - any news re the actual question though: if you think all is guessing, why would you conclude that there's a keyboard in front of you (your "guess") but not an invisible tap dancing pixie on the keys (my "guess")?
Why so coy?