Dear Rose,
The word is if Jeremy was asking if it changes, if the country see's that it has made a ghastly mistake, and so far that is what it looks like, early days of course, but I for one don't see any reason to just suck it up and accept it, I await Johnson, Gove or even Farage coming out and explaining "the fucking plan" and "the fucking plan" better be " a fucking awesome, terrific, stupendous plan".
I will accept that the absence of the above three is down to the fact that they are off getting hammered and celebrating, but I will expect them to be ship shape and Bristol fashion tomorrow or Tuesday to explain to us, the good people of the United Kingdom just what is "the fucking plan".
My apologies for all the swearing, but right now the very mention of the above three makes me want to spit.
In many ways I'm with you Gonnagle.
If there was unrefutable evidence the vast majority wanted another vote, then I suppose we would have to do it and go by the result.
But I'm reluctant to believe everything I hear, because most of it sounds like the losers can't accept they lost.
You can't keep people voting till you get the answer you want.
IMO the government is responsible and have let us all down by allowing this vote to happen before there were clear ideas on paper of what the plan was going to be.
No one seemed to think it was going to happen, so no one bothered to think about what would happen if it did.
That's bad organisation.
The government should have put some thought into it, before we voted. Even if they didn't agree with th idea.
They have left us vunerable IMO.
Why it's ok to vote for independance or Brexit before you have some idea of how you are going to proceed ....... Is beyond me.
They should have an outline at least before people are asked to vote.
Perhaps we need something in our " constitution" that if the public are going to be offered a referendum of some sort, outline plans have to be made for all outcomes.
Politicians get paid enough to sort this...........
The leave side should have put through their suggestions and outline plan before we all got involved.
It's a right mess!
They couldn't organise a piss up at a brewery, the lot of em.