Bovine spongiform encephalopathy was caused by feeding parts of cattle to cattle, a form of cannibalism. What is suggested here is not cannibalism but it is highly likely that a similar disease could be transmitted to the animals and then on to humans who eat the animals. It's really not worth the effort, it isn't as if there is not sufficient animal feed already. That's apart from the aesthetics, what Sassy said about the remains of a child being fed to an animal struck home with me - I certainly didn't think she said it with any agenda to show herself as superior, it wasn't a calculated remark but seemed to me to be spontaneous, from the heart.
If we start hardening ourselves too much, saying, "Well, they are dead, they won't know, won't feel", etc, all of which are true, we are shutting off a part of our humanity.
We've had a bit of a laugh about this but, being serious, I don't believe it should happen, nor do I think it will.