Sadly for you, bh, I have another life to live - one that includes work, volunteering and getting super ready for my wife and myself - hence the fact that I will disappear once I've posted this. As for the coming back with the same arguments; that is probably because whenever I pose them, no-one bothers to address them properly, often using the famous 'fallacy' argument to avoid having to deal with them. When a similar topic is started at a later date, I repost the arguments in the hope that someone might have the guts to address them - only for a different avoidance mechanism used.
Perhaps I'll just drft off into the ether and get on with real life.
1. If you have no interest in responding to those who do bother to reply to you, why are you here - just to proselytise? This is supposed to be a
discussion board - not a "I'll post whatever comes into my head and ignore what anyones says in reply" board.
2. Why then, when reminded of your failure to respond to a rebuttal (or six), would you ask where the rebuttals are, have someone find them for you, and
still fail to respond after that?
3. The "famous fallacy argument" isn't used to avoid having to avoid dealing with your "arguments". It's to explain that those arguments are null
a priori when for their premises you rely of fallacious reasoning. That's your problem here: you make a logically bad argument, then complain when people don't engage with the conclusion it provides. Why then would I not say the same thing about my miracle cure for Granny's chilblains even though it too relies on the bad reasoning of thinking not walking on the cracks in the pavement for a week did the trick? Why are you not dealing with my chilblains cure argument?
4. If you really want to continue to behave this way, would you at least have the decency of not accusing others of doing it too? Ta.