Dear Lapsed,
Sorry old son
I just can't resist, all she has to worry about is Junior doctors, all she has to worry about is a NHS in crisis, all she has to worry about is Boris keeping his gob shut, all she has to worry about is staying in bed with the Yanks, all she has to worry about is not investing in areas which sorely need it, all she has to worry about is the SNP carrying out Camerons legacy, what she has to worry about is splits in her own party and finally, what she has to worry about is a country now watching her every move, brexit has sparked a new interest in politics, she has to be very careful or UKIP, Labour, SNP and the Greens will make gains from her mistakes, we do live in very interesting times.
What Mr Corbyn needs to do is just sit back, watch the Tories shoot themselves in the foot time and time again.