Hi everyone,
As I have posted before, religion has many uses. Before civil courts and organised policing were in place, religion was the only form of social control. Killing, robbing, sexual assaults were controlled by religion. Respect for elders, parents, teachers were prescribed. Love and fellowship was taught by religion. It also prescribed health, hygiene and behavioral norms. Marriage, family values etc were promoted and ensured by religion. Sexual behavior was controlled.
Religion served many purposes and has succeeded in civilizing humans. Without religions we humans would not be as civilized and humane as we are now. Social cohesion and brotherhood across physical boundaries was another of its very important contributions.
The fact that some people misuse religion is just an aberration. Anything can be misused.
It is possible that in some social groups, certain religions in their present form, may have outlived their usefulness. But in certain other groups they may still be necessary.
Even those groups where certain religions may have become unnecessary, certain other religions/philosophies may still hold a meaning and relevance.
So...religion is not one single and simple institution that we can dismiss off hand as useless. Religions are complex cultural institutions with complex social influence. They will continue to exist in one form or the other.