It definitely was true Rose. It's fairly well known that big game hunting goes on here but obviously those who do it want to keep it quiet.
In the documentary, the vet's attitude upset me the most, smiling straight into the (hidden) camera whilst pocketing five hundred quid cash for giving the animals a quick examination.
You've done well with wallabies (bless) and coypu, floo. Make my foxes seem quite average
, but when they first started to appear around here many years ago they were quite a novelty. Not for everyone of course because they overturned small dustbins (we have a big one), and pulled apart rubbish sacks. That's a common complaint.
Down the road in Chislehurst Woods we have - a colony of green parrots. Some obviously escaped from an aviary and as there was safety in numbers, they survived and thrived. I've never seen them there but I did see a couple that flew into our garden; they didn't stay of course because of our cats, the only birds that linger are crows and the occasional wood pigeon. The crows sit on the fence and caw loudly and aggressively at one of our cats, a mottled tortie, who is very small and cowers before shooting back through the flap.