I don't think he said that humans are not animals because he said, "...humanoids (meaning us) and other animals"' he would have said, "...humanoids and animals", had he meant we are not part of the animal kingdom.
But what he
did say was:
Currently there is no definitive link between humanoids and other animals.
There's so much wrong with that sentence that it's hard to know where to begin.
First, there's no "definitive" link between apples falling to the ground and gravity either (I'm assuming, perhaps naively, that he could even tell us what he means by "humanoid" here by the way). Science doesn't
do definitives. What it does do though is to identify and test the overwhelming correlative evidence for evolution and gravity alike, and it develops its finding into
theories: evolutionary
theory; gravity
theory; germs causing disease
theory; babies coming from Mums' tummies rather than from storks flying through open windows
theory etc.
Second, the "link"(s) between anatomically modern humans and other species are so strong that evolutionary theory is arguably
better evidenced than, for example, the theory of gravity.
Third, Hope told us first that he knew "scientists" who deny evolutionary biology, then it seems that these supposed scientist weren't known to him at all, then it turns out that they were not in all cases scientists anyway (one is a librarian at a theological college for example), and then that they're not even specialists in the field in which Hope thinks them to be "experts".
Apparently oblivious to all that, Hope then told us that his three sources could be looked up on the internet!
Apart from that though...
Still - there was one scrap of good news about his efforts: he managed to make a whole post without mentioning Nepal. Credit where credit's due I say.