I don't disagree with places where babies can be fed but I do consider that feeding mothers should not be banished to them.
I don't agree with banishing people either. But I am glad that most mothers still feel less stressed by the idea of breastfeeding in private than in public, and therefore either choose to banish themselves or breastfeed discreetly when in public. Probably for the same reason that I find it strange that people post every detail of their life on social media - I just went on holiday and had a great time without feeling the need to share the details or pictures with all my friends.
I think breastfeeding is a more intimate act than feeding your child with a bottle or a spoon so find it strange that women want to do it openly in front of the general public rather than discreetly or privately. Obviously other people may feel that breastfeeding is no different to bottle-feeding and find it strange that some people think both can't be done openly. I can understand breastfeeding in front close friends or family. No doubt the culture may change at some point in the future to a more open one, but until that time, personally I am more comfortable with the breast-feeding restrictions mothers currently put on themselves.
Looking after a baby is stressful for a whole host of reasons - sleepless nights, extra laundry, increased costs, juggling demands of other children, housework, hormones, job etc - so regardless of whether you add planning feeds and missing out on activities and chatting with friends because of baby-feeding responsibilities to that list, a mother can expect to be stressed. When my children were babies they seemed perfectly happy to feed in private and it seemed easier for them to feed comfortably. I just managed my expectations that my life was going to be a bit different for a while and I would have to make certain adjustments for a short time.