We are emotional beings. Rational thinking is just a tool we use now and then...and not a part of our being.
Like I said and like you also pointed out...every now and then we feel the need to do something different, something daring, something that will break the monotony. Enough of the same thing over and over again. Enough of the controls.
Sometimes it happens even in politics. If things get too prim and propah, too boring and predictable, we like to stir things up a bit. Some excitement. Take a chance and see what happens.
Someone strikes a cord about some issues that have been bothering us. Something emotional. Something primeval and fundamental. Then it can be very powerful and overpowering. Rationality is weak and tiresome in comparison.
Why do you think ISIS is so powerful? Why is religion in general so powerful?
Its not just about hate. Its about basic emotions being stirred up. It can make people feel alive and powerful.
Like with Hitler in WW2 and the holocaust?
I don't think we see radicals getting into power riding in on a wave of emotions as a good thing Sriram.
I think we have learnt this can be very damaging to other people's human rights.
Donald Trump tends to ride in on emotions and sentiments which in themselves are found worrying.
That's how Hitler got where he did, by promising to make Germany great again and of course it's always someone else's fault the country is held back.
Excitement often involves harming people and their livelihoods in some way.
The system doesn't always succeed in holding things back, sometimes the system becomes part of the problem.
The problem is stability and peace often means boring and predictable, it's when it's gone you realise what you have lost.
There is an old Chinese curse that nails it.
" may you live in interesting times"
Some people don't like Brexit for the very reason it rocks the stability. Opens up perceived opportunities for the racist and white movements in this country, hence the rise in hate crime.
It's all " excitement " that's how they see it. It isn't good though, that excitement.
The opportunities Brexit may bring up, hopefully won't allow those people to feel powerful and alive as you put it, for much longer.
Hopefully most of the UK will rise to its opportunities without stooping to racism and nastiness.
Donald Trump concerns me because he doesn't seem to consider other people, he is a show off that scores points at the cost of other people's feelings.
His business reputation seems to be appallingly selfish with no consideration for others I've read some awful stories where he has ruthlessly almost put companies out of business, and has used and manipulated the law along with threats to duck out of agreements.
His values and mine seem to be at variance.
He isn't someone that can be trusted, his aim is to win, how he gets there doesn't matter as long as he cant be penalised for it.
For me, how someone gets there, is all.
This will effect other countries in that our countries will have to deal with him.
I'm not happy about that
I wouldn't want to have to do business with Donald Trump.
I'm hoping Hilary Clinton gets in.