At the moment yes it is Rose.
Now you can be all holier than thou if you wish. I've worked all my life in this country (barring a year in Poland) so I'm not about to be made to feel guilty by you or anyone else about how I feel re the EU referendum. It's nothing to do with my pride - rather my utter disgust at a system that allowed this to happen in the first place.
As I say - Nigel Farage, the Daily Express et al have had decades of scoffing and lying from the sidelines - so I have my work cut out to catch up. But I will.
Here's some lies to be going on with: Nigel Farage smells of cheese. Boris Johnson is a brillaint politician and will make a great foreign secretary. Theresa May has the sun shining out of her behind.
My ill will as you put it - is only being returned in kind. I know turn the other cheek is popular in some circles, but I am feeling in a distinctly more eye for an eye mood.
Why on earth would you want to catch them up?
What would you prove anyway? That you are as bad or worse than them?
The system that's in place allowed us the freedom to vote in the first place.
I don't think it was wise in this case, but we were offered the freedom to do so.
The system has given us the freedom of the vote, with this comes dangers.
Would you rather have a system that oppressed more?
The trouble with David Cameron was he was inclined to be too democratic in some ways hence the Scottish referendum and the Brexit vote.
Both have the potential to harm the uk.
However by preventing public opinion and referendums, there are elements of dictatorship.
If you give the government powers to run the country to the countries advantage but not necessarily to what the majority thinks is the advantage, isn't that dictatorship?
In some ways it shows how free we are in this country and how our system does take into account public opinion.
The downside is that public opinion can be ill informed and wrong.
We had the vote and the people voted.
This is what freedom means.
It means you have the opportunity to get it wrong and suffer as a consequence.
If you lived under a less free society like communism what you could choose would already be dictated to you.
In our country, you have the freedom to vote against government advice.
If you think about it, and dictators elsewhere........ That's quite something really.