The problem here is that we are all subjects of brain washing...we are surreptitiously told things are true which are blatantly untrue. Propaganda and advertising are the worst offenders but we are often willing partners to it. The problem is that by being overloaded with false reasoning we become stunted in our mental outlook...this is serious because we are then falling into unhealthy physical health problems...the healthy circulation of nutrients to our brain and our glands and organs become suppressed.
Being lied to is
a problem (which is why I wish you'd stop doing it) but it's not
the problem here. The problem here is that the evidence about the nature of "free" will fatally undermines the edifice Alan Burns has built to validate his faith beliefs, so he just denies it and hopes no-one notices.
Enter the accurate teaching of Jesus Christ. He and he alone offers the mechanics of repair via his righteous teaching.
Which is a personal opinion you happen to hold, but
only a personal opinion until and unless you finally manage an underlying argument to support it.
Don't just take my word for it...everyone is entitled to give it a try.
Many have, and have found your claims to be complete nonsense.