It stil pleases me no end that we have left the organisation we didn't have a say in joining, so much for the not so unusualy underhanded PMs and MPs thinking they could do as they like.
Well. The EU enriches my life. I have a second home in another EU country and I enjoy life in two wonderful places.
What Cameron's folly has emphasised is the narrow-minded, self-obsessed, bigoted nationalism that still exists. If nothing else, the EU symbolises the shared cultural heritage which exists in the relatively small area which has given us Shakespeare, Michelangelo, Mozart, Newton, Pasteur, Cervantes, Van Dyke, Beethoven, Galileo, Rodin ... to name only a few.
The EU emphasises our closeness and encourages us to perceive our neighbours as our friends. The EU has removed the threat of conflict by giving us common purpose. We are richer - in every true sense - by being members of a community. And now the small-minded want to take this away.
A paradox is that - if the age-related voting pattern was accurately described - the process of exiting the EU will be so prolonged that by the time the remnants of the UK leave the union that most of the elderly Brexiters will be dead and the action may no longer represent any genuine majority of those who voted in the referendum.
I hope that Teflon Dave is aware of the real damage his stupid attempt to keep the Conservative Party under control has done.