What we have done, in fact, is, caught modern science out twice on the same point. It is they who say that energy cannot be can only be transformed into a different energy, of which, all components parts must add up to the original force.
If we apply this principle to the shrapnel that momentarily exists after a collision of atomic particles in the Hadron Collider we must say that the identified energy has transformed into an invisible, undetectable state. At the other end of the scale we can say, scientifically, that the big-bang theory is fatally flawed unless we state, categorically, that a superabundance of the same raw-material existed beforehand...before the big-bang.
So...take your choice...if it existed then Almighty God, and Jesus Christ, have an extra tool in their tool-bag to describe the mechanics of the universe, whilst science, by its desire to twist their own truth, is on the losing end of a very profound science...because their latest deceit states that Almighty God or Jesus Christ have no place in their sciences...but they are wrong...they exist within the science of a superabundant, dynamic energy, which, in its purest form, is invisible and undetectable, and which, naturally, holds a brand new science to build a new heavens and a new Earth out of.