Isn't it funny when you keep going round and round in circles.Still someone has to break the chain.
Remember, I am saying, with Biblical support, that a superabundant electric/spiritual force created all the stars...they could only do this if they created all the atoms as well. You might be happy with a 'singularity' but it is the height of insult to the conservation laws of energy which scientists also proclaim. We must also go behind the big-bang because that also has cob-webs all over it. We now have a universe that is static...nothing is moving as it is today, only the drifting of this raw material...dark matter, if you prefer...but 'God's dynamic energy' if we quote Isaiah. It was drifting around building up into huge,dense clouds, of light year proportions, and each cloud represented the spawning ground of the galaxy it would produce, so that as much of this raw material was in each cloud that was to create the galaxies that we see today.
I'd better do this slowly because I know you are brain-washed to believe God didn't do it.