For once words fail me!
What I find hard to understand is that if everything in the universe is made from energy or responds to that energy in some way, why so many, like you Floo, just can't accept that the source of all that energy holds the clues to the entire book of science.
When we have established this, we can easily see that this is what Almighty God is telling us...everything is made from his dynamic energy, including the simple fact that he too is made from all that energy and is, thereby the highest authority in the universe because he has all authority over all that dynamic energy.
In its purest form it is invisible and virtually undetectable...just like dark matter and dark energy. It can compress into can radiate as waves do, it can inspire all electric and magnetic can build atoms and it can configure itself into galaxies.
There is no beginning and will be no end to its existence except for the beginning and end that Almighty God etched into it when he discovered it and carved a new explanation of creation from it. There is so much that can be gleaned from it but first we must get past our own denial and embrace Almighty God and his much loved son, Jesus Christ, for all their loving work on our behalf.