Nicholas would you please answer Little Roses question from a few posts back in which she asks whether or not you would allow a child of yours to have a life-saving blood transfusion. I've been waiting for you to answer her and I haven't yet seen an answer unless I've missed it.
I would also like to ask whether you believed those who are not saved at the end will just cease to be or experience conscious torment.
Thank you.
Blood transfusions are a tricky issue Robbie...It really depends upon your level of see, we believe that to hang on to our lives is an imperative, regardless, but not according to Jesus. He saw no harm in sacrificing his life so that you might live and in the days of Jesus many people sacrificed their lives in support of those who do sacrifice their lives for righteousness sake believe in his teaching implicitly...a teaching which says that there is life after death. Many people now suffering beg for death and even doctors are coming to agree in euthanasia...just as in Gosport. I would have to be faced with that decision to make a positive answer.
On the conscious torment debate I am quite positive on...If we live on in an electrical form we can either be resurrected, or held in the ether, Jesus showed us how we can escape the ether and be following him accurately. He described this by saying...Those that follow me will never die.
Now, 2000 years later we are in a new position...a celestial group of orbiting bodies are descending upon our will be the fiery lake of sulphur, and when it centrifugally escapes the hold of planet Earth it will do exactly what Revelation 21:8 will snatch the electric forms that have no righteous strength because of their lies, deceit, murders, frauds and other sinful acts and snatch them into its belly where they will be left in the ether of that planet forever more...its just a fact of life...that the Son of Almighty God has warned us about.