As with any wonderful science there are many different avenues to view it latest project could only be written by an older person who has experienced life a little bit. Though you will condemn it...tear it to bits and otherwise trample all over it ploughing it through the mud and debris of the cesspool you may come to realise that it is written to guide you towards the accurate teaching of Jesus Christ...and the fruits of that endeavour.
As we grow older the mechanics of the body deteriorate. This is a popular time for people to turn to Jesus...His teaching is an oasis in a very parched desert and this is why his 'word' carries so much weight. My latest project...still to be fully, that over our lives we are drawn into our disney mind. The whole mind is a double feature of our good health but if we abandon our correct stance by dreaming and fantasizing by way of celebrities, computer games, false hopes, etc. we do it at the expense of our mind that controls alertness, acumen, reasoning ability, and physical strength, and the consequences of this is that our breathing alters. Instead of sucking in huge amounts of air into both lungs the disney mind side becomes the primary lung and the other goes into a slow numbness not taking in anywhere near enough air and this causes that side of the body to go more and more numb as well. The consequences of this is middle-age spread to start with but this tells us that the entire inner body is under terrific strain and any number of illnesses can develop. So...when we come to consider Jesus Christ we will know that he has all the science he needs to ensure that after God's Judgement as written about in Revelation...Jesus will deliver a new heavens and a new Earth...for those saved.