One very, very red faced floo, the serial flouncer, has flounced back again! I swore blind after my 3 day suspension that I was NEVER going to post on R&E again and pledged £1000 to charity if I did so, WHOOPS! I am back and several charities will benefit from my flounce in the next few months. I decided to come back after I discovered the main reason for me not wishing to return is no longer an issue.
I want to apologise for my stupidity which led to my suspension it was certainly not to my credit, and upsetting to me as I have never been suspended from R&E before, although I guess that was more luck than judgement on my part! I will try to behave myself, although with my level of senility (according to my kids) that might be hard!:D
Thank you Nicholas Marks for enquiring after me, I realise that was kindly meant and I am touched.