Mark 13:32-37
Mark 24:36-44
Luke 21;34-36
I take it you've read the above scriptures, Sass.
If you have then you will know that the focus is all on the imminent coming of the Son of Man. The reader is told to always remain alert because the Son of Man could show up at any minute.
Nothing imminent Christ told you he did not know the day or the hour.
Have a read of Luke 21:34 in particular.
"Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man."
Would that be the Christians and the fall of Jerusalem 70 years later?
"Be on guard" and "about to happen"
Any sane person would read that the day is imminent.
The fall of Jerusalm 70 AD about did come to pass.
No doubt you will have read the "Parable of the Ten Virgins" but do you truly understand its message? I suspect you don't.
Yes it is about living according to the Spirit being infilled continually renewing and being ready cutting the old life away (trimming their wicks) and so being renewed continually by the presence OF the Holy Spirit. Others teaching you who are in Spirit cannot save you.
You must have your own supply.
I guess sometimes people do not read the bible with any understanding.
The whole point of that fable is that the master's return is imminent, in other words, any minute now and there isn't even enough time left for the girls to hightail it to market and buy more oil.
No! it is about being ready at all times by living in the Spirit and obeying the Spirit never slacking and never lacking.
"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour."
Matthew 25:13
This has nothing to do with ignorance of when Jesus is coming back and everything to do with its immediacy.
Not at all as THE answers show you haven't a clue. Like so many you take things out of context. The wise virgins trimmed their lamps and lived as Christ had shown them.
They were living in the Spirit constantly and having their life.light renewed continually.
Never be lazy in following the truth about Christ. It is a constant change which requires constantly walking and living according to Gods Holy Spirits leading and teaching.
Christ spoke about many things... but what people do not understand that he fulfilled the teachings of the law and the prophets prophecies about himself.
The Kingdom is established and NOTHING can move it or be rid of it.
The person made alive in Christ lives for eternity there is no death. He who believes in me and liveth shall never die. The body dies but the soul of those in Christ never dies they sleep.
You need help with the bible let me know.