Yet you seem to base this belief on a discussion with a single person in a single establishment, Owl, when there are many other Hebrew scholars - including Hebrew-speaking Jewish scholars - who would disagree with that interpretation. Furthermore, the Old Testament mandates the death sentence for certain instances of behaviour - so clearly the context in which all the commandments exist understood that there is a difference between judicial and non-judicial killing - hence the use of the term 'murder/slay' in many translations that both predate and postdate the King James. In view of your rant against Sass immediately following this paragraph it is ironic that you insist on referencing a translation that was flawed from the outset - in part because of James' interference with the translation process - and which was 'of its time', in other words was designed to be in the English language of the day. As you will appreciate, language is a living entity, and changes from year to year, let alone century to century.
I don't know what, if any written material exists for Paganism that might be seen as comparable with the Bible, but if there is and it remains in a form of language that is several hundred years old, couldn't a similar charge to those you and others make against the likes of Sass and her use of the KJV be made against those who abide by comparable any Pagan material.
I am not arguing about translations, or history, or your continuing attempts to justify just about anything by talolking about anything but the point I am making.
Your book says THOU SHALT NOT KILL! There is no argument there, it has been this way for centuries.
Your book says THOU SHALT NOT SUFFER A WITCH TO LIVE! This, equally for centuries, has been accepted to mean witches must mot be allowed to live and in anyone's language that means they must be killed.
Once again you and all the rest of your oh so holy buddies will say just about anything to prove that this contradiction does not exist and therefore you do not have to justify or explain it.
It dfoes not matter one iota what the words tranlated to read as above meant centuries ago - these are the precise words that your clergy, your Sunday School teachers etc etc etc have taught to hundreds of thousands of children over four hundred years!
As far as I am concerened you are, when challenged on subjects like this, and others as demonstrated time and time again on this forum, willing to use every subterfuge available to the worst possible political spin doctor to try and hide this and various other contradictions.
When it comes to the TRUTH you and your associates wouldn't know the TRUTH if it hit you at a thousand miles an hour in the form of a ten ton block of concrete.
As far as I am concerned the OP has proved the point that I set it out to prove - that until you are, as I am, prepared to admit that your religion is, like mine, based upon nothing more than faith, a faith which is totally incapable of proving its beliefs to be true peddling a fantasy, an illusion.