Still not sure I get your point.
I chose my A'Levels because I didn't know what I wanted to do as a job, but I knew there were certain careers I didn't want e.g. medicine - based on amongst other things having seen the work involved in being a doctor as my mother is a doctor.
I chose A'Levels I would enjoy rather than A'Levels that people close to me suggested, and those A'Levels led to a job I enjoyed and was good at partly based on my degree and partly based on the knowledge and skills I got from the A'Levels I did. For example if I had not done Maths I would have found it difficult to get the role that I did get in investment banking, as Maths A'Level made me quicker at understanding certain concepts, calculations, graphs and spreadsheets. I'm thankful I chose the A'Levels I did.
Similar scenario with Islam - I didn't know what outcome I wanted but I knew certain outcomes I did not want and then I found being a Muslim resulted in me adopting certain behaviours that I am now thankful I adopted.
Not sure if that answers your question.
Regarding Scientology - I don't really care what a religion calls itself - I am more interested in what my understanding of the philosophy of the religion is, based on its texts, what various adherents say it could be about, and what I perceive to be core beliefs versus cultural practices etc. My interest would be based on whether my interpretation of that philosophy appeals to me and influences my behaviour in what I view as a positive way.
What I know of Scientology, which isn't much and only based on media reports and documentaries, it doesn't appeal to me. But I haven't investigated it for myself - haven't had my interest sparked enough to try.