If that is the case, the indoctrination isn't very successful, ippy. Whilst I accept that there will be a handful of religious people who don't introduce the next generation to a wide range of ideas, most Christians - and even Muslims and Hindus today - are willing to let their children hear about and discuss alternative world views and philosophies. Ironically, from what you and some others I know have said, it seems to be the more atheistic minded amongst us who indoctrinate - 'by omission' - in other words don't discuss religious ideas with their children and don't want them to be introduced to such ideas outside of the home.
What makes you think I would want to either discuss anything about a subject that only exists in the minds of those involved and doesn't really exist either and there's no evidence to be found that would back it up.
I don't discuss Ferripoplism either because by omission I'm trying my best to indoctrinate people against Ferripoplism and at least that one seems to be working.
Seriously god or gods just don't exist for me, I'm not a no godist more a not whatist? A god what's that?
For me Hope all I know or want to know about gods is that there various happy little groups going around trying to stop me shopping when I chose to etc (one of the more benign irritations your lot have to offer), but I have to admit the fact that so many still go for this soppy primitive stuff intrigues me still, why can't you just shrug it off?