So it's OK to make a film released across the country mocking a religion, but if I say in the privacy of my own home, homeopathy is a pile of shite, I need to grow up?
Gordon Bennett, I feel you are misunderstanding me - or maybe I haven't made myself clear.
I don't make films mocking religion (or films not mocking religion!). If you mean "The Life of Brian", I went to see it with a group of friends when it first came out and found it quite funny, didn't see it as mocking Christianity and sneered a bit at all the controversy.
Having watched the film much later, on TV, I thought if anything it was a bit anti-semitic and couldn't find anything particularly funny about the famous song, "Always look on the bright side...", in the context of being sung whilst being put to death! Other than that it is quite a jolly song. I don't remember all the details of the film now. Oh, "Blessed are the cheesemakers", of course. But that's just me, everyone views things differently.
Art always pushes the boundaries, I accept that.
(My cousin's husband had that song played at his funeral, btw.)
In my home I would gently discourage racist talk, or religious intolerance but if someone expressed those views I'd be prepared to listen and talk about it. I'm not totally without any prejudices but I don't go to people's houses and air them, that would be extremely bad manners. In my opinion.
Having a discussion about racism or religion is a different matter.
I've not always been so sensitive towards the feelings of others, when I was younger I said stupid, tactless things and showed my ignorance on occasions, the memory makes me cringe now.
I'm also not without personal experience but if I start telling stories of such things it will make the discussion personal to me which would be self-indulgent and boring for everyone else, apart from the fact that I am quite a private person - so I won't.
Hope you understand now even if you don't agree.
The forum would be extremely dull if everyone agreed!