One monster which might well rear its' head and make things even worse is the Northern Ireland question. NI voted remain....and now there are pressures on Sinn Fein to join SDLP in Westminster and ask that the devolved governments have a say in the High Court/Supreme Court ruling. I think we ignore the EU's relevence to the peace process at our peril,....because many republicans only bought into the Good Friday agreement believing they, like their countrymen south of the border, would be part of a single EU. They see a barrier (physical, strategic or political) between them as a return to british rule - and that would be unacceptable to the hotheads, no matter how deluded they are. More to the point, though, Sinn Fein has to be seen to listen to the more radical republicans, or it will lose credibility in the North - with possibly disasterous repercussions for the fragile peace process.