It seems to me that "Brexit" has acquired an independent life of its own, now.
Mrs May's current behaviour defies logic. Why, if there is a real concern that the mood of the populace has changed, and this can be verified, is she condoning, encouraging, continued waste of money (at a time of general financial stringency - at least in the Treasury) by continuing with discussion, preparation, negotiation, Parliamentary business and all other costly activity concerned with leaving the EU? Would it not be more appropriate to retest the national desire for this action given that its stimulus was sometime ago and the decision may not reflect the popular will and that she has already - effectively - lost a General Election?
Her actions appear to be more concerned with her relationship with the Conservative Party than the national interest. She is not helped by the Opposition - also similarly obsessed with its own structural problems than those of the nation.
I think the case is building for another referendum.