Does Scotland make up the vote for the whole of the UK? No it doesn't and democracy can't work if people won't accept the final vote.
The days of the Scottish tail being wagged by the Westminster dog are long gone, Sass.
There is seething resentmrnt here - and not just amongst Nationalists - that, as the late Labour Frirst Minister said "The democratic will of the Scottiah people" is being steamrollered.
This will lead to asecond Indy ref once the burach of Brexit isworked out and we see just how terrible things will be in Scotland.
What you SHOULD worry about, though, is Northern Ireland.
It's all very well saying the majority of the so-called UK voted to leave - the majority in NI - both sides - voted to remain.
That Westminster ignores their wishes and creates a division that the albeit very fragile peace process healed between north and south, should worry you just as much as the problems finding medicines, paying more for your food, etc, will.