The worst of it is, many commentators on the mainland assume the DUP speak for NI; they do not. They don't even speak for the 'unionist' community; probably just over fifty percent thereof. Membership of the DUP is increasingly aging, as young - more enlightened - folk seek other ideologies, and there seems to be a small, but increasing, number in the community once labelled 'loyalost' who favour Irish unification. I have friends in 'stroke city' who work with the Corymeela community (The NI equivalent of the interdenominational Iona Community in Scotland) who are frankly terrified at the consequences of a no-deal, hard, WTO or similar conclusion to this Westminster farce. The bridges built between the two factions were becoming all but permanent. Now the foundations are shaking. (By the way, 'stroke city' is the local name for Derry/Londonderry, not some comment on the medical outlook...)