Perhaps you would like to explain what "taking back control of our country/ borders" means to you in order for me to understand the rational logic of your position that we needed to Brexit in order to control our borders.
Bearing in mind that UK has border controls and had border controls before the 2016 referendum and further, that per the European Council meeting (18 and 19 February 2016), Cameron had negotiated with the EU that we can prevent people from entering who are
likely to [my emphasis] pose a serious threat even in the absence of previous criminal convictions:
"Host Member States may also take the necessary restrictive measures to protect themselves against individuals whose personal conduct is likely to represent a genuine and serious threat to public
policy or security. In determining whether the conduct of an individual poses a present threat to
public policy or security, Member States may take into account past conduct of the individual
concerned and the threat may not always need to be imminent. Even in the absence of a previous
criminal conviction, Member States may act on preventative grounds, so long as they are specific to
the individual concerned."