On what basis are some healed and others not. Young children, not yet capable of speech and independent movement and therefore unlikely to have sinned in anyway, are dying throughout the world of terrible diseases, starvation and even ill treatment. Some, Hope might claim are saved by divine intervention. The overwhelming majority are not and die in agony.
OK, john, on what basis are some healed and some not by modern western medicine?
But to answer at least some of your questions, let's take the situation that Japan faced hours, days and months after the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Are you saying that God should have saved all and every man, woman and child affected by those events? Or what about the children who die in their infancy as a result of a lack of clean water? Should God be healing each and every one of those?
Let's look at at least some of the background (and perhaps even foreground) to these two examples.
If God was to have healed each and every person killed and wounded as a result of the 2 A-bombs, would humanity have understood the horror of such things and - ever since - sought to avoid their use again (note the outcry when depleted uranium is used in military shells and bombs)? Why do many young children die as a result of a lack of clean water? Corruption, greed and selfishness are but three reasons. Were God to ensure that no-one died as a result of a lack of clean water, would people pay attention to combating such corruption and greed? Are there to be no consequences that effect third-parties from such human failings?
And then, what about those children who die in the womb, in developing countries, but saved in the West, to live out lives of pain, inability and perhaps even rejection? Are you happy with such situations? Many of these in-utero deaths are the result of nature deciding that this or that child is, realistically, nonviable as a human being.
If God can save some why does he not save all? What faith can there be in a God so capricious, selective and deaf to the suffering of innocents?
A faith in the humanity that, often, actually cause the circumstances that lead to such suffering. Or are you suggesting that humanity, as a whole, doesn't have a huge responsibility for its own suffering?