I agree with you, Sword, that God was extremely evident to those living in Biblical times.
Believing in Jesus Christ means believing in a God who is loving and caring towards those who follow his loving, caring laws towards our Deity and towards our neighbours.
Anyone who is watching world events must realise that their are people who live among us who have the appearance of being nice...even God fearing...but are in fact wolves in sheep clothing. These are the war-mongers who are seeking the downfall of everyone but their own kind.
The only positive laws that conflict with these evil doers and expose them are the righteous laws of Jesus...and the only person doing anything positive about these evil beings is Almighty God, through his son Jesus Christ...and the only hope we've got for beating these oppressors who support mass slaughter, mass starvation, and mass destruction is by following Jesus accurately and in doing so showing evil everyone isn't fooled and especially Almighty God and Jesus Christ are not fooled and who offer us all an escape route from the impending danger that will have the last say in these matters.
Sinners who refuse to repent will see this God as a despicable God, full of nastiness and sin but those who have suffered oppression, over many years, will see him as their saviour...and their sins will be considered less sinful.