That really is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Oh I have been wrong more times than I have ever been right, but I object to it when some minority, and I don't particularly care what minority decides that its beliefs must take precedence over mine, whatevetr my belioefs on a subject might be,
What the agenda of those who are not trying to force their agenda on everyone else is irrelbvant as the argument is about those who ARE trying to force the agenda be tghey pastafarians, Christians, Freemasons, Muslims, Flat Earthers, Intelligent Designers, Old Uncle TYom Cobley and all!. Just because THEY believe they are right does not make me or anyone else who opposed their view wrong.
If you don't agree with them, i e you believe that they are wrong, why aren't you telling them so, you are quick enough to tell me that I am!