Observation and experience leads to Theory. Theory leads to development of methods and techniques. Methods and techniques are used by people. These lead to desired and predictable results as per Theory. So the theory is validated.
As simple as that.
I take then, Sriram, that you have little experience in research methods since it is anything but 'simple' (and I do speak from experience).
So, given this is 'simple' stuff, in relation to 'spirituality' the theory, methods and techniques are what exactly? Moreover, on what basis is it known that the selected methods and techniques are in fact suited to testing the theory: for example, sampling methods, data capture tools or that the statistical tests are suited to the data?
You've mentioned theory being validated but you've haven't mentioned the possibility that theory might be invalidated presuming, of course, that your 'methods and techniques' are sufficiently robust so as to support any conclusions regarding your theory.