Hi Dicky,
Check the original Greek of Mark 6:50. It reads "ego eimi" which literally translates "I AM" (not It is I). Check any study bible or the Greek text. They all confirm that.
'Ego eimi' is a literal translation of the Hebrew 'ehyeh' which is the holy Name in Exodus 3:14b. So, Mark reports that Jesus claimed the holy Name in verse 6:50 (same as 4th. Gospel).
Further, Matthew also indicates that this was a divine claim when he says the apostles "worshiped" Jesus after he climbed into their boat - see Mt 14:33.
I hope you find this interesting.
God bless
Hi Rosinbudh
I do indeed find this interesting, but I also find your argument inconclusive. I checked with my interlinear Greek Testament, to see the context, and you are of course right about the wording. However, as much ambiguity exists about the use of the phrase 'ego eimi' as there does about the use of that other notorious phrase 'The Son of Man' (the latter, according to Geza Vermes can simply be a means of referring to oneself obliquely, as one might say 'yours truly' - or be a direct reference to the Son of Man figure in Daniel).
According to a Catholic source (admittedly, trying to argue for the divine reference of 'ego eimi') does also admit that the phrase can have an everyday usage, just as 'The Son of Man' has:
"'Now, if you know anything about the Old Testament, you know that “I Am” is the divine name (see Exodus 3:14; Deuteronomy 32:39; Isaiah 41:4, 43:10-11). However, ego eimi can also be used in a way to identify oneself, which is the reason why the modern translations render it “It is I.” For example, in Luke 24:39, after the Resurrection, the disciples do not recognize Jesus, so he says, “It is myself” (Greek, ego eimi autos)—that is to say, “Hey guys, it’s me.”'
catholicexchange.com/the-divinity-of-jesus-according-to-markThe Catholic author, you note, cites a usage of the phrase in Luke which has almost certainly an everyday significance - unless of course you want to argue that the phrase in Luke 24:39 means "It is me, God himself"
In other words, you pays your money and you takes your choice