And that is precisely what will lead us into a Free Trade free-for-all, JK. As one of the richest nations in the world, we have a moral duty to help the less well off around the globe and I'm afraid that many people are not interested in the less well off, but simply to ensure that the richest get richer still. Ironically, this is one area that we currently do better than the EU as a whole - and the 'put Britain first' attitude of some Brexit leaders is likely to put us many years backwards on the road towards global fairness.
My post and jab was at the Neo-Liberal elites that are doing exactly what you are crying about. This is particularly true of the EU who with their custom tariffs and the like have kept other nations out of their market, especially ones that needed it like the African states. This has kept them poor; or perhaps poorer, due to the selfish, inward looking, "pulling up the draw bridge" attitude that some accuse us in doing in their 'Little Englander' chant. To call them two faced would be an insult to duplicity. It is the Western establishment that has caused the thing you are opposing.
Then for the African states etc. add to their woes the destructiveness of international aid that wipes out local markets and produce, and is used by the likes of the EU for soft power i.e. to impose their will, political outlook and culture on them. My statement of voting out the EU sycophantic turds in Westminster was to get rid of this class of people who are vindictive to such regions of the globe and get people who want to trade fairly with
all the world.