You've done so relentlessly.
Gordon, just because you don't agree with opinions and ideas that the likes of myself, Jim, Sass, Spud and Brownie put forward, it doesn't mean that you are correct.
Never mind 'others': the question has been addressed to you.
Which is precisely why I have responded to said questions on a number of occasions with a response that has said the same as I've said here, in a variety of ways. 'Others', however, do matter, especially when they have expressed agreement with me.
What 'aspects of reality' are these.
Non-scientific/non-medical healing - something we have discussed before and even you have failed to explain other than by suggesting that 'the body heals itself' ie - no scientific explanation.
Moreover, if they do fall outwith the remit of science what method have you used to identify them in the first place?
Observation predominantly - such as the aforementioned non-medical healing phenomenon.
Nope - 'God' is your claim, and not mine, Leaving side the straw man, and the invitation to commit the NPF and the special pleading: you say science is inappropriate with regard to 'God', so the obvious question is what is appropriate?
Trust, probably - aka experience-based faith that has been tested by your favourite, naturalistic study.