Sometimes the argument degenerates into one of class, rather than of moral, ethical or environmental concern. A friend of mine will accept road kills (if they are in a reasonablle state); pheasant, grouse, deer, etc, and use them for the pot - and as a sideline, he tans the hides and uses them......and, yes, he lives some distance from his neighbours - thankfully, since he uses 'traditional' tanning methods. Being a geek, he records the amount of kills in the five mile stretch which covers parts of two nieghbouring estates. The amount of red deer kills is telling. In 1995, he had three. By 2000 he had five. By 2010, eleven. By last August (just befor the rutting season, when the hormones kick in and the deer kills on the roads go up) he'd had fourteen. Now, I somehow doubt that red deer stupidity is on the increase. On the other hand, sightings of mature hinds in gardens in my town - sometimes half a mile from the fields, and two miles from the deer estate - have increased. Yes, I know this is unscientific, but it suggests a population rise and a consequent lack of grazing, making deer desperate for food. This is not good for the health of the species as a whole; and usually, only the 'fit' looking 'monarch of the glen' type stags are stalked and shot - meaning inferior stags are left to rut and further weaken the herd. Manmade interference with natural population for simple sport is nothing short of environmental disaster (even if my friend has a surplus of venison and quality hides to boot)