You seem to be arguing here about whether theism is true or gas any facts that are true? Why? That's got nothing to do with theology as a subject at university, just as whether Marxism is true, or has a fact to support it doesn't affect whether it is it should be a subject at university.
No, I am talking a bout Theology as a subject. A definition of theology includes studying the 'nature of God'. If every university wants to run a course for students to take a degree in Theology or not, and whether they believe there is a theistic truth in it or not, they are of course free to do so, but since it is a subject based - unless evidence appears otherwise - that does not contain a fact about God(/god/s), then it is, as I have seen quoted quite often, a study of no thing, I,e. a study of the millions of human words, beliefs philosophies and ideas about God/god/s.. I do not see how that has 'nothing to do with the study of theology at university.
No doubt the understanding of our human history, the psychology of belief, etc greatly enhances a student's wisdom, etc, and if a student's critical thinking is also much greater at the end of the course, more power to their elbows, but if the student comes away with a belief that all those millions of words and thoughts prove that there is some God/power/something at the core, than I think they will be very much mistaken.
P.S. In between last post and this, I've had one of those 'page can't be displayed' windows, but fortunately it didn't last long and I'd remembered to copy what I'd typed!