Maybe ippy but however any of us feel about it, if people of faith are declining then study of the subject will decline. I don't understand why you feel so strongly about it but I'm not you.
to the first part of this paragraph: on the contrary, the study of a subject called theology should continue but with a growing understanding of how all the people who have ever written, lectured and philosophised about it were talking about thousands of years of belief in something which has zero evidence for it. The credit for all the words, thoughts, ideas and opinions would then, correctly, be ascribed to human beings.
As to the second part, , however strongly one feels about it, it is going to take a long time to change and in the meantime millions of children will be indoctrinated into belief in God/god/s, however, lovingy such teaching is done.
ETA to correct spelling of were. Cojuldn't do it earlier - went to haridresser's!]