Yes and wasn't his main focus on helping all of these in his country?
Firstly, he is concerned about radical Islam. Secondly, I think the reaction to his comments about women is over hyped. Thirdly, his comments about immigration seem to be aimed at putting Americans first, the problem being that the whole world wants to live in the US.
You call it rabid bile, but to be honest it was no worse than what the others spewed out.
Thanks for making me look up Franklin Graham, btw. I didn't know he is Billy Graham's son.
It seems that Trump's reaction to 'strangers' was, rather than to welcome them - as the Lord Jesus said - but to either tell them to get out and stop them coming in if they were Moslem, or build a wll to stop them coming in if they were Mexican.
And his attitude to a disabled reporter - caught on camera - was a disgrace - mocking the man's disability. Hardly Christ like, was it?
We have the latest - lies spewed by his press chief this very morning, trying to deny the truth of the poor figures attending his inauguration. Oh, yes, and rolling back health provision for the poorer sectors in his country.
Where is this allowed or even promoted in Scripture, please?