Ippy and Gordon
I agree with Gordon that the Beyond Belief programmes are usually worth a listen to, but when I heard at the start of the last one that there were no non-religious views, I had to go away and do something else* for about 10 minutes tut-tutting to myself, but listened to the rest! I do tend to agree much more with Ippy's [posts above and almost decided to send an e-mail to the BBC, but thought it would be a waste of time. On Feedback there are often other non-believers writing in to complain, but nothing ever happens.
*rinsing out my swim suit, hat and goggles!!
It's generally a wast of time complaining to them at the Beeb, one of there favourite ploys is not answering the question you have asked of them Susan.
If you do write to complain, I found that something like every fifth line of your complaint about not catering for the non-religious viewpoint, you have to at the same time keep reminding them that you're not complaining about their religious broadcasting output.
If you forget to remind them on, or about every fifth line they then go on and on about protecting the poor defenceless religionists, thus avoiding answering the question you've asked.
Writing to them, the BBC is an eye opener, please don't take my word for it, try having a go at them yourself: if you do I expect to see a full report here on the forum or else, have you got that?
Regards ippy