Nope. You read that in. As I explained those abusing same sex marriage were antitheists merely using it as a weapon to stick one on the church.
The Church of England doesn't believe that the enviable bliss of a commitment to another affable chap, probably a pipe smoker, talking about modifications to Nigel Gresley's tenders on Pacifics is ''marriage''...and lets face it, it is not that long ago that chaps sharing the bliss of commitment to another affable chap, probably a pipe smoker, would have agreed with them.
Don't know what all this pipe smoking's got to do with it - but leaving aside your baseless and questionable stereotypes I personally don't give a stuff about getting married in Church, or indeed even getting married. But for some of my friends it is important. It is important to them because they suffer under the same sad, woeful misconception that you do; that is that a Christian God exists. Therefore because of the way they view things it would be awfully nice if you Christians just let them do it - and throw out your old, useless prejudices against gay people like you did with mixed fibres, slavery and shellfish.
Anyway why aren't you keeping up biblical tradition by upholding this:
"I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, she must be silent."
or this:
"Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us / He who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks."
or indeed this:
“Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel.”