Link here to an interesting article.
The writer says that "progressive Christianity" will lead to the downfall of Christian beliefs.
By the phrase is meant; the diversity of interpretations of beliefs especially as they bend to encompass new historical and scientific findings.[!]%20Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=NL%20Nonreligious&utm_content=14395
Progressive Christianity isn't the Christianity of Christ.
I note that they said
For example: trying to defend the Bible’s stance on homosexuality. Yes, it’s true that Jesus did not condemn it. Yes, only six verses explicitly mention same-sex relations. But there’s no getting around the fact that the Bible calls it “an abomination,” just as there’s no getting around Paul telling wives they need to be submissive to their husbands.
Homosexuality was considered such a terrible sin that they would not even talk about it. As Christ obeyed the whole law he would not have been able not to condemn it. But the law is clear that some sin lead to being put to death immediately and some didn't. Hence that would be the sin you could not pray about for someone and adultery and other sins which lead to instant death. But what I think EVERYONE ignores is that sin is sin.
Christ said " If you break one law you break them all." I believe he was teaching that if you sin you are dead in your sins and that does not matter which law you broke.
It is mankind who singles out the sins and singles out the isolating of one persons type of sin.
But if a person loves God their body and their own wants come second to what God wants for them.
If believers really believe God has a future planned for them, then why would they not want to live Gods way?
We have all sinned and we don't all die from one type of sin but each has sin and no matter what that sin it brought death.
Pot calling kettle black an adulterer believing themselves better than a thief. But they both get the same penalty.
We can do anything one might say because we are no longer under the law and saved. But in truth we would uphold the law because we know God does not want us to do those things.
No one who sins is any different because of their type of sin. Man does not make the rules, God does.
If I, were a person with homosexual tendencies, adulterer or a thief. Knowing God saw it as wrong I would cease from doing those things.
It is about who we put first in our lives. It is a personal choice. We cannot change the laws to suit the sinner.
We cannot make one sin more or less than the other sin. We just have to choose and then live as called.
Break one law you break them all because all sin is sin. Christianity remains as in the time of Christ the fulfillment of the Jewish faith.
So a Jew or not a Jew everyone gets to choose. We are not here to judge another's sin or think their type of sin is different from anyone elses.
Love is about loving everyone despite all our own individual sins. The sin s not any less a sin because we change a law. We could legalise stealing but it remains a sin in Gods eyes and in the faith. No different to any other sin.