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I've often considered being a vegetarian, would be if I was on my own (I think).
Never eat meat more than once a day and often not at all, like vegetables & salad. This long weekend is an exception. A good vegeetarian diet is very healthy, what worries me is not being bothered to do it properly. I don't eat a lot as it is. I'll think about it next week. I am sure 50 years from today there will be many more vegetarians world wide than now. You're right about that, I'm sure. There are more vegetarians now than ever, they're well catered for in restaurants & supermarkets. When I was a child vegetarians were considered difficult & odd!
Why??? Love and compassion, ad_orientem! Jesus said that remember?!
People are made out of meat.
People are sometimes eaten as well.I would eat people if I was hungry enough and you probably would too.
I don't think Sriram will approve.
Jesus ate the Passover lamb.